A New Chapter With SCAN
August 15, 2016
Austin’s Ices Helps BT Go For Gold
August 24, 2016Kitty’s Birthday Party
For the last couple of years we’ve been a regular at Kitty’s birthday parties. So we were delighted when Kitty’s mum phoned and asked us to attend for the third year running. On Sunday we made our way to Bowdon and set up shop in Kitty’s front garden.
It was a glorious sunny day and the kids were enthralled by an entertainer making balloon animals, and a face painter. They were delighted when we arrived, playing the Happy Birthday song.
Kitty and her older brother, Charlie, were old hands at serving. They jumped on board and dished out ice creams and slushes like experts. We’ll be giving them a call when we’re next recruiting!
It’s always a joy attending birthday parties. And it’s a real honour to be invited back year after year. We hope we’ll be serving Kitty and her friends for years to come.
If you would like to book us for your next event, contact Austin on 07761 616 700.