Love Is In The Air
August 12, 2016
Kitty’s Birthday Party
August 16, 2016A New Chapter With SCAN

As you probably know by now, one of our specialities at Austin’s Ices is catering corporate events. A major reason that we’re so popular with the suited and booted crowd is that our iced treats never fail to add a touch of excitement to proceedings. On top of that, our knack for coming up with spectacular custom creations always makes for a truly memorable experience – one that’s guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.
That’s exactly why Horwich-based computer hardware suppliers SCAN got in touch with us recently. They were gearing up to launch a new line of products, and wanted us to be a part of the grand unveiling. After telling us a little bit about the upcoming big reveal, they hired one of our pristine ice cream vans to cater the event. They had decided that ice cream was easily the best way to make a statement and show off their next range in style. Naturally, we couldn’t agree more!
Before long, the big day was finally upon us. Things were looking a little overcast, but the weather was still warm and pleasant. One thing was for sure, we certainly weren’t going to let a few clouds derail our mission! Armed with our normal selection of chilled goodies and enough Mr Whippy to feed a small country, we made our way to our destination. As soon as we arrived, it was clear that the SCAN team had pulled out all the stops in their efforts to impress. The celebrations took place underneath a big marquee, giving the whole day a special feel. There was even a tasty looking hog roast, which provided the perfect savoury counterpart to our sweet, cool confections.
We were delighted to see that the lack of sunshine hadn’t deterred anyone else from enjoying the day either, as large crowds quickly began to form. Soon enough, we were rushed off our feet, handing out the usual favourites to scores of happy customers! Gradually things came to a close, and as the evening set in, we gave ourselves a quiet pat on the back for a job well done and headed back to base.
We had a really great time working with the guys and girls at SCAN, so much so that we’re already looking forward to the next team up! Until then, we’d just like to thank them for having us, and wish them all the best with their new line. We’re sure it’ll be a massive success!