Hovis Wafer
Bread & Ice cream: two essential food staples join forces
June 16, 2017
Asics wafer
Easy Running
June 29, 2017
Hovis Wafer
Bread & Ice cream: two essential food staples join forces
June 16, 2017
Asics wafer
Easy Running
June 29, 2017

Ice cream in Aerospace

Manchester Uni


Regular readers of this blog will know that we visit a lot of schools in the run up to the summer holidays. But this time it was the turn of some adult students, when the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at The University of Manchester asked us to turn up and help to celebrate the end of the academic year.

Manchester Uni

We parked up on the lawn of the Pariser Building and set about dispensing some ice cream to this generation of future engineers and more, including of course the ever-popular Mr Whippy which we can serve with a variety of sauces and sprinkles, depending on preference.

Lecturers Alice and Tim jumped on board to help out with giving out the ice cream: something which never fails to bring a smile to the faces of any students or pupils, who enjoy seeing their mentors in a whole new light.

All in all it was a great way to mark the end of term, and with students having worked so hard all year this proved to be a fun gesture to help them to start to wind down for the summer.


If you’d like a visit to your own place of education or work from one of our iconic ice cream vans, please do get in touch via the contact details on this website, and we can talk to you about the tailored options available.

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