Review left by Ian H for Christening in Widnes
September 3, 2015
Celebrating 75 Years With Airbus UK
September 21, 2015
Review left by Ian H for Christening in Widnes
September 3, 2015
Celebrating 75 Years With Airbus UK
September 21, 2015

Wedding Bells With Robert & Emma Lucas

At Austin’s Ices, we love a good wedding. So when Wigan-native Robert Lucas wanted to hire an ice-cream van for his special day, we were happy to oblige. But it was only when Robert started to talk about exactly what he had planned, that we began to realise just how special this particular day was going to be…

As it turns out, the ambitious groom was organising the entire wedding reception himself. He wanted it to be a complete surprise for friends, family and even his bride-to-be, Emma. Right away, we knew that this was something we had to be a part of.

The setting for the reception was the idyllic parish of Tabley, Cheshire. Rural, peaceful and beautiful, it was the perfect backdrop for such a momentous occasion. We arrived in the early evening, when the post-wedding party was in full swing. The extravagant celebrations were housed under a giant marquee, complete with a free bar and a hog roast.


Robert, knowing we have the best ice-cream in the North West, wanted us to be the final big surprise of the day. Considering that the reception was taking place at a secret location, with all 80 guests arriving by coach and the new Mrs. Lucas making her grand entrance via helicopter, we definitely had a lot to live up to.

As always, we rose to the challenge thanks to our fantastic array of ices. Classics such as the Mr. Whippy ice-cream cones were as popular as ever, but we also came up with a handful of different, exciting creations to thrill Robert, Emma and all of their guests. Speaking of the guests, some even decided to do our job for us, making and serving the ice-cream themselves!

At the end of the night, we were delighted when both bride and groom agreed that our ice-cream van had been the best surprise of all (yep, even topping the helicopter!). While this obviously made us incredibly proud, we were mostly just happy to have helped Robert and Emma create a few more amazing memories, on a day that was already filled with them.

Our heartfelt congratulations go out to the newlyweds. May they enjoy a long and happy future together!


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